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High Frequency Events

These events are in total alignment with the leaders off today and tomorrow.

No matter what kind off leader you are (also stay at home moms are welcome), every leader knows the importance of embodiment!


Surround yourself with those who are able to fly high with you!

  • C.onscious E.go O.wnership  - the MASTER GAME
    C.onscious E.go O.wnership  - the MASTER GAME
    soon more information
    soon more information
    soon more information
    soon more information
    soon more information
    soon more information
    What if you could create your own game of life and shake things up?
  • ISA experience ~ elevate your frequency
    ISA experience ~ elevate your frequency
    Depending on the weather. Deciding together
    The Netherlands or Belgium
    Depending on the weather. Deciding together
    The Netherlands or Belgium
    Depending on the weather. Deciding together
    The Netherlands or Belgium
    What if we would literally elevate ourselves in a hot air balloon to raise your frequency?
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